Pop Philosophy
The Modern World is a Dopamine Minefield. Here’s how to navigate it.
Have you had your mind hijacked by TikTok and wondered how that happened? Or maybe you’re the kind of person who gets most excited about planning your next trip? The driver of your behavior in both cases is a brain chemical called Dopamine, and you need to get familiar with it – right away. Whether you realize it or not, that neurotransmitter rules our world today. But while it has served a critical role in the propagation of our species, dopamine is absolutely terrible for our sense of satisfaction as individuals. Moreover, it’s being used to stimulate and manipulate us in ways that are distracting at best and addictive at worse. Dopamine is the new Nicotine. We need to reset our brains and go on a Dopamine Diet. Use my NOPA Method to get off the Dopa.
The S.I.E.S.T.A.S. Method for Beating Burnout
Are you near Burnout, or know someone who is?
I’ve looked at the science of what we can do to turn our situation around. It starts with stimulating the release of our body’s natural feel-good chemicals of dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin, and serotonin – and then proceeds to dial up the feelings – of control, hope and progress – that we intuitively understand will be beneficial to our mood.
Old Rules for a New Life in the New Year
People usually become contemplative as another year ends and a new one begins. For many, this is the season for reflection, resolutions, and perhaps even reinvention. I’m no exception to this ritual. The following thoughts came to me a few years ago in a feverish...
Make the Pivot to Hybrid with the H.I.B.R.I.D. Algorithm
Hybrid work is a problem to be managed, but it’s also an opportunity to be leveraged. But how do you move from one to the other and do Hybrid right?
The “Office” is Changing: The RIGID | HIBRID | FLUID Framework and the Past and Future of Work
One of the lasting consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic is that the nature of what we understand as the "office" has changed. I would argue that we're merely at the end of the beginning, however, in the evolution of the workplace. I see four distinct stages to the...
Evolution, Progress, and Reinvention
If Evolution is, as someone once described, progress without planning, then Reinvention is progress *with* planning.
Or, to put it another way,
Reinvention = Evolution, Reinvented.